Trails to the Past


Lander County



CARSON CITY, Jan. 17, Patsy Dwyer, convicted of the murder of A. C. Williams at Austin and under sentence of death, his execution being set for the 25th of the month, he is pacing restlessly in one of the condemned cells at the state prison.  He talks little to the silent death watch that sits all day in his cell close beside him, but spends his time in walking the length of his narrow cell and gazing against the stone or steel. The attorney for Dwyer has been Ill and the convicted man cannot get into communication with him hence his worry. Nothing has been done in the supreme court toward getting a stay of execution in the case and Dwyer looks forward now to only a few more days on earth. His attorney may arrive in time to secure a stay of execution, but Dwyer says that he Is now out of money and friends, therefore can employ no one to look after his case. Tonopah Bonanza Saturday January 19, 1907


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