The following
deaths occurred within a year prior to June 1, 1860, and do
not include those slain by either red
or white men.
John Calvin, age 29, typhoid fever,
Senira Perkins, age 16,
typhoid fever.
Louisa Perkins, aged 4,
typhoid fever.
Chester Barlow, aged 1,
inflammation of bowels.
Harriet Parks, age 25, child
Thomas J. Owsley, age 2,
cholera infantum.
History of Nevada
Thompson & West - 1881
LEMKKONEN, John -----An accident at the
North Star mine yesterday afternoon resulted in the death of
John Lemkkonen. Mr. Lemkkonen had rung the bell to start the
car on which he stood from the 500 level and had evidently
leaned over just as the car started, for he was caught between
the car and the timbers on the side. He must have met instant
death as it was a long time before the body could be
extricated.-Miner. Morning Appeal December
12, 1905
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